• Bekaert - Update on the Share Buyback Program and the Liquidity Agreement

    Источник: Nasdaq GlobeNewswire / 12 авг 2022 02:30:00   America/New_York


    Update on the Share Buyback Program and the Liquidity Agreement
    Period from 4 August 2022 to 10 August 2022

    Share Buyback Program

    In the context of the share buyback program of Bekaert, announced on 25 February 2022, the third tranche of €30 million started on 29 July 2022.

    Bekaert announces today that during the period from 4 August 2022 to 10 August 2022, Kepler Cheuvreux on behalf of Bekaert has bought 66 638 shares.

    The table below provides an overview of the transactions under the third tranche of the share buy back program during the period from 4 August 2022 to 10 August 2022:


    Repurchase of shares

    Date Market Number of Shares Average Price paid (€) Highest Price paid (€) Lowest Price paid (€) Total Amount (€)
    4 August 2022

    Euronext Brussels 8 000 33.42 33.70 33.16 267 360
    MTF CBOE 5 000 33.42 33.66 33.10 167 100
    MTF Turquoise - - - - -
    MTF Aquis - - - - -
    5 August 2022 Euronext Brussels 8 000 33.58 34.02 33.02 268 640
    MTF CBOE 5 000 33.61 34.00 33.06 168 050
    MTF Turquoise - - - - -
    MTF Aquis - - - - -
    8 August 2022 Euronext Brussels 8 373 33.93 34.10 33.72 284 096
    MTF CBOE 4 627 33.95 34.08 33.74 157 087
    MTF Turquoise - - - - -
    MTF Aquis - - - - -
    9 August 2022 Euronext Brussels 8 800 33.09 33.66 32.70 291 192
      MTF CBOE 6 000 33.05 33.62 32.70 198 300
      MTF Turquoise - - - - -
      MTF Aquis 1 500 32.75 32.78 32.68 49 125
    10 August 2022 Euronext Brussels 6 991 33.12 33.56 32.50 231 542
    MTF CBOE 4 347 33.13 33.56 32.50 144 016
    MTF Turquoise - - - - -
    MTF Aquis - - - - -
     Total   66 638 33.41 34.10 32.50 2 226 508

    As announced on 25 February 2022 and 29 July 2022, the purpose of the program is to reduce the issued share capital of the company. All shares repurchased as part of the program will be cancelled.

    Liquidity agreement

    In the context of the liquidity agreement entered into by Bekaert with Kepler Cheuvreux on 2 September 2021 (see press release of 3 September 2021), Bekaert announces today that Kepler Cheuvreux on behalf of Bekaert has bought 3 200 shares during the period from 4 August 2022 to 10 August 2022 on Euronext Brussels. During the same period, Kepler Cheuvreux on behalf of Bekaert has sold 6 800 shares on Euronext Brussels.

    The tables below provide an overview of the transactions under the liquidity agreement during the period from 4 August 2022 to 10 August 2022:


    Purchase of shares

    Date Number of Shares Average Price (€) Highest Price (€) Lowest Price (€) Total Amount (€)
    4 August 2022  0        0
    5 August 2022  400 33.20 33.20 33.20 13 280
    8 August 2022  0        0
    9 August 2022 2 000 33.03 33.40 32.74 66 060
    10 August 2022  800 32.60 32.60 32.60 26 080
    Total 3 200  - - - 105 420


    Sale of shares

    Date Number of Shares Average Price (€) Highest Price (€) Lowest Price (€) Total Amount (€)
    4 August 2022 1 200 33.50 33.70 33.30 40 200
    5 August 2022 2 000 33,66 33.90 33.50 67 320
    8 August 2022 1 200 34.03 34.10 33.90 40 836
    9 August 2022  0        0
    10 August 2022 2 400 33.27 33.50 32.90 79 848
    Total 6 800  - - - 228 204

    The balance held by Bekaert under the liquidity agreement at the end of the period is 75 771 shares.

    On 10 August 2022 after closing of the market, Bekaert holds 3 140 025 own shares, or 5.32% of the total number of the outstanding shares.

